The 80 km/h philosopy

Sometimes also running into a dull German guy who was driving around with quite new tyres on and a set of brand new ones on top of the bike because “You never know”, turns out not to be not as bad as it seemed. In first place it made us realize that we need a new rear tyre, and then it also made us think over a way of travelling that could be considered a life philosophy also.

We could better call it “the slow motion philosophy”. Which roughly has only one rule: never go faster than 80 km/h.

Reason #1 Because we already got a speeding ticket. We still can’t understand how this happened. It look like we were driving 9km/h faster than a non better defined limit.
Reason #2 Because gas is unbelievably expensive here in Turkey and driving at an average speed of 100km/h we can do about 250km with a full tank. Instead driving 80km/h we managed to drive 320km with one full. Which means something like 24km/l. Unbelievable! (The night that we achieved this goal we celebrated!)
Reason #3 Because to live a good life you only need one thing: either money or time. We have time.

The bike itself is teaching us how to use it.
Slowly slowly we are learning how to listen to it.

This choice is not merely about numbers, this is the ultimate declaration that we “ain’t going nowhere” and now we are going so slow that we’ll never get there.



  1. Hi,

    I just read about you in a newspaper in Dubai. I think you’re doing a fabulous job, and it requires courage to throw away everything that is familiar and go beyond to the unknown. All the very best to you both, and I hope you find everything that your hearts desire.

  2. Sempre che viaggio in moto, vado sempre molto piano, anche perché non mai dova andiamo e non abbiamo neanche la fretta di arrivare, perché dove ci troviamo in quel momento, è dove siamo arrivati e poi, non si sa!

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