Che in Pakistan faceva caldo lo sapevamo già, ma certo non ci saremmo aspettati un caldo così incredibile come quello che faceva a Lahore, o ancora peggio, sull’autostrada da Islamabad a Lahore!
Tutti ci dicevano che le moto non potevano prendere l’autostrada, ma la prospettiva di 400km sotto il sole sulla GTroad (in pratica una strada statale che taglia tutta l’India collegandola al Pakistan) non era particolarmente allettante. Così abbiamo scelto di adottare la tecnica “fai lo gnorri e andrà tutto bene”… e così è andata. Subito dopo il casello ci hanno fermato dei poliziotti che, controllato che avessimo delle protezioni (e una moto) adeguate, ci hanno lasciato andare.
Decidiamo di cercare di arrivare a Lahore il prima possibile che tanto ogni sosta in “autogrill” si risolveva in un bagno di sudore e di folla, sopratutto considerando che bardati di tutto punto con 50° all’ombra attiravamo decisamente l’attenzione…That in Pakistan it was super hot we knew it already, what we weren’t expecting was such an incredible hot weather like the one that was waiting for us in Lahore, or even worse, on the highway between Islamabad and Lahore!
Everybody told us that motorbikes cannot take the highway, but the prospect of 400km under the sun on the GTroad (the ancient road that links India to Pakistan) was not particularly tempting. So we chose to use the technique “pretend you don’t know and everything is gonna be ok” and everything went ok. Right at the beginning of the highway cops stopped us and checked if we had appropriate protections (and an appropriate motorbike) and let us go.
We decided to try to reach Lahore as fast as possible considering that every stop was ending up in a puddle of sweat with all the people looking at us wheezing…
Arrivati a Lahore troviamo ad accoglierci due nuovi amici conosciuti a Shogran qualche settimana prima [ link ]: Usman e Rashid che ci ospiteranno, faranno da guide e sopratutto faranno morir dal ridere per la prossima settimana!
Grazie a Usman, a cui abbiamo raccontato la nostra passione per i tour enogastronomici, abbiamo assaggiato un’infinità di prelibatezze locali, gustate come la tradizione di Lahore richiede: in macchina con l’aria condizionata al massimo suonando il clacson ogni volta che vuoi chiamare il cameriere!In Lahore two new friends, met in Shogran a couple of weeks before [ link ], where waiting for us: Usman and Rashid that hosted us, showed us around and especially made us die laughing for the all week!
Thanks to Usman, to whom we have told our love for gastronomic tours, we tasted most of the local delicacies, all enjoyed in the Lahore traditional way: inside the car with the air condition on full power honking the horn whenever you need the waiter to come!
On the other hand, wins the prize for the “Wicked Dish” the Pani Puri served by a street vendor in the shopping neighborhood. Pani Puri consists in small kind of doughnut (Puri) filled with chickpeas and not better specified spiced water (Pani). Time to digest them and Agata run to the toilet while Thomas to the hospital for a throat infection (everybody has a weak point).
La città di Lahore è un disastro. Il traffico trascende la comprensione di noi occidentali che in confronto la tangenziale est alle 5 di venerdì pomeriggio sembra scorrevole: macchine scassate, motorette, carri trainati da buoi, gente a piedi e gente che traina carretti e colori sgargianti e odori pungenti. La gente vive in strada, ed è meraviglioso.The city of Lahore is a disaster. Traffic is beyond westerners comprehension: junk cars, small motorbikes, carriages pulled by bulls, people walking, people pulling small carriages and bright colors and piquancy smells. People live the streets, and this is amazing.
Ma c’è anche un altro video che ben documenta il “mood” di Lahore, l’abbiamo intitolato “Motorini & pistole”… godetevelo!But there’s also another video that properly shows the mood of Lahore, we entitled it “Motorbikes & Guns”… enjoy it! [ Video ]
E poi, nascosti, Lahore offre angoli di pura pace, silenzio e contemplazione; come il Forte rosa di era Moghul che sembra uscito direttamente dal cartone animato di Aladdin e l’enorme moschea Badshahi nel cui cortile possono trovar posto ben 95000 fedeli (più altri 55000 al suo interno!!).And then, hidden, Lahore presents corners of pure peace, silence and contemplation; like the pink Mughal Fort that seems popped out from the cartoon Aladdin and the huge Badshahi Mosque in which court yard can find place as many as 95000 devotees (and other 55000 inside!)
Io i “grazie” non li metto spesso, ma grazie Usman per i Malang, per aver fermato l’omino dei gelati per farci ascoltare la sua musichettaI don’t write often all my “thanks”, but in this case I really have to say thanks to Usman for the Malangs, for stopping the icecream man to make us listen to his music [ Video ], per averci portato in troppi posti che non li so elencare, per averci ospitato e sopratutto per le notti sotto le stelle al fresco del tuo terrazzo (se in casa fa troppo caldo per dormire, cosa si fa? Si sposta il materasso in terrazzo, ovvio no!).for having brought us in so many places that I cannot even list them, for your amazing ospitality and expecially for all the nights under the stars in the fresh air of your terrace (if inside the house is too hot to sleep, what to do? You move the matress on terrace, obvious!).
Thomas thanks a lot for all you have mentioned in your website actually you dont need to thank us it was pleasure having u here …at the start me n Rashid were worried that how you guys are gonna manage with hot weather when we are not even having UPS and air conditioner but you guys were so compromising and adoring that u had no problem in keeping your hospitality … we really enjoyed your company and i wish that you could come again to visit us and we again do the same enjoyment we had last time 🙂 …
: )
Thank to you, my Pakistani brothers. You have been our best host ever, ways better than home.
I’m sure we will manage to meet you again, I hope in Pakistan (but to get a visa is soooo hard, you know…)